Screensaver Visual Production

following the London-based video production company

4 Days in Riga

Last week I was asked at short notice to provide location filming and editing services at a conference in Riga, Latvia.

The project kicked off by filming some interviews in London, and then fly out to a hotel in eastern Europe to set up camp for the edit. I was to film on-site too, over the duration of the conference, collecting interviews for a special display at the end of the event.

This was new ground for us, as we’re used to editing back at the studio – but up for a challenge as always. I’d spent a good day testing our equipment back in London, and aside from minor blips in laptop performance, the kit worked well and allowed me to do all I needed.

I was stationed in a suite on the 24th floor, overlooking the centre of Riga. They were long days, but we achieved the result we all needed, within the timeframe required – after 3 long days delivering the final product at 7am the last morning.

To top off the experience, I managed to find a couple of hours to get lost in the centre of town, catch some of the world cup games, and saw the Swedish archipelago from the plane on the way back.

The success of this project has now added another string to the bow and is a service we’d love to exploit again!


1 Comment»

  Castors wrote @

To top off the experience, I managed to find a couple of hours to get lost in the centre of town, catch some of the world cup games

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